Survivor videos

Survivor application videos

I applied 15 times over 8 years with videos. These are a few:



Playing my part for the Komen 60mile walk.

Taking part in the Susan G Komen 60 mile walk in several ways for the past 12 years.

I walked the 60miles in 2009 with my daughter and raised $2800.00

Since 2009 I have volunteered working as part of the awesome Medical Crew for the past 11 years except for the year of Covid 2020.


I organized several Reality Star Cheering Stations along Mission Bay.


Ultimate Game Faces Podcast Interview


Gillian Larson inspires. Listen to her story at your own risk. Be prepared to want to take on this zany world of ours with a new refreshed attitude. We discuss her experience on CBS’s Survivor and more importantly what that led to. It directed Gillian to an ongoing mission of support for those impacted by cancer. You will enjoy the listen…and yes, you will be inspired.


Bob Busser Ballpark Historian

Temecula Ca. Promo’s


Handle-It commercial

Survivor blog stories

Survivor videos/photos

Survivor Gabon here I come.